Thursday, 1 March 2018

 Choose an advertisement or a photo from a newspaper that you think has been altered. Scan it if you can. Write 2-3 paragraphs explaining what you think was done and why. Also include your opinion on the alteration.

Important: Because this is a Submit to Teacher exercise, you must send your work as an email attachment. Do not use the textbox on this page. To help your instructor, name your attachment with the level, unit, lesson and exercise numbers (for instance L8_u4_w3_ex2, which means Level 8, Unit 4, Writing 3, Exercise 2), then use this name in the subject line of your email.

                                     (DRAFT 2 AFTER CORRECTION)

                                          Miracles of Photoshop

I chose an advertisement in the form of a photo which has definitely been altered.
It is easy to guess that this funny picture has been altered by Photoshop or computer simulation because:
-  It does not seem possible for any person to pull a car.
-  The colour of the sky and clouds seem off.
- The tow rope looks flimsy.
In my opinion the alteration was done to attract more customer attention. Many companies post altered pictures that are funny or creative to capture the attention of customers.
I cannot say anything about quality of alteration because I am not a professional, but this picture has attracted my attention by its full-page size and funny idea.

                                CORRECTION 1

                        Miracles of Photoshop

I chose an advertisement in the form of a photo which has definitely been altered.
It is easy to guess that this funny picture has been altered by Photoshop or computer simulation because:
-       -  A general situation which has been showed on the picture would not be possible in real life.<< It does not seem possible for any person to pull a car.
-        - The background of the picture doesn’t look real. <<  The colour of the sky and clouds seem off.
-      -   Paints on the picture don’t look real as well. << The tow rope/cable …
In my opinion the alteration was done to attract attention more customer attentions. The idea of posting some funny, cute, creative, and comical altered pictures there is a way of many companies to catch attention of potential customers.<< Many companies post altered pictures that are funny or creative … to capture the attention of customers.
I cannot say anything about quality of alteration,- because I am not a professional, but this picture has attracted my attention by its full-page size,- and funny and comical idea.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Choose an advertisement or a photo from a newspaper that you think has been altered. Scan it if you can. Write 2-3 paragraphs explaining what you think was done and why. Also include your opinion on the alteration.

Important: Because this is a Submit to Teacher exercise, you must send your work as an email attachment. Do not use the textbox on this page. To help your instructor, name your attachment with the level, unit, lesson and exercise numbers (for instance L8_u4_w3_ex2, which means Level 8, Unit 4, Writing 3, Exercise 2), then use this name in the subject line of your email.


                                        Miracles of Photoshop

                                                (Draft 1)

I chose an advertisement in the form of a photo which has definitely been altered.
It is easy to guess that this funny picture has been altered by Photoshop or computer simulation because:
-         A general situation which has been showed on the picture would not be possible in real life.
-         The background of the picture doesn’t look real.
-         Paints on the picture don’t look real as well.
In my opinion the alteration was done to attract attention more customers. The idea of posting some funny, cute, creative, and comical altered pictures there is a way of many companies to catch attention of potential customers.
I cannot say anything about quality of alteration, because I am not a professional, but this picture has attracted my attention by its size, funny and comical idea.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

CLB8L Watch a televised speech by the Prime Minister or another politician to share the main points and specific details with someone else.
                                                 DRAFT 2

The main points of the Trudeau's speech are:
1. The industrial revolution and new technology.
2. Leadership and diversity.
3. Canada's resources and climate change.

1. Hi Mary, did you hear PM Trudeau talk to Davos leaders about new technology and industrial revolution? He said that we are standing on a new stage of industrial revolution which has begun. New technologies have broken into our lives and quickly have accelerated the social and economic growth of society. Also he said that technologies improve people's lives and we need them to serve human progress.

2. Then he optimistically spoke about diversity. He said that diversity is an engine of invention. When different ways thinking and seeing come together they spark creativity "which is the richest in the world". According to his opinion, diversity is a resource of strength and not weakness. Do you agree with it?

3. Moreover, he said that we have social and financial stability, a great educational system, advanced infrastructure, and a creative population in which the government is willing to invest to the future. Our natural resources are substantial and they have always been a base of the Canadian economy. Our growth and prosperity are not what lies under our feet but what lies between us. He also mentioned about climate change. He said that there is only a one way to avoid catastrophe-to give up economic growth.

Monday, 12 February 2018

CLB8L Watch a televised speech by the Prime Minister or another politician to share the main points and specific details with someone else.

                                                                  DRAFT 1

The main points of the Trudeau's speech are:
1. The industrial revolution and new technology.
2. Leadership and diversity.
3. Canada's resources and climate change.

1. Hi Mary, did you hear PM Trudeau talk to Davos leaders about new technology and industrial revolution. He said that we are standing on a stage of industrial revolution which has begun. New technologies broke into our lives and quickly help the social and economic growth of society. Also he said that technologies improve people's lives and we need it to serve a human progress.

2. Then he optimistically spoke about diversity. He said that diversity is an engine of invention. When different way thinking and seeing come together they spar creativity which is the richest in the world. On his opinion, diversity is a resource of straightness and not weakness. Do you agree with it?

3. Moreover, he said that we have social and financial stability, great educational system, advanced infrastructure, and creative population which government is willing to invest to the future. Our natural resources are substantial and they have always been a base of Canadian economy. Our growth and prosperity not what lies under our feet but what lies between us. He also mentioned about climate change. He said that there is only a one way to avoid catastrophe-to give up economic growth.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

1. CLB7R (reading) Question
2. Photos of the article from the community newsletter
3. Your artefact--written or verbal
1. Obtain information from public health advisories, municipal notices, violation notices, or community newsletters and bulletins. Decide on action for a personal or family health concern.


                                                     HEALTH ADVISORY


In view of the influenza season, the Northern Health Centre highly recommends taking actions to prevent getting the flu or spreading it to others. You can do this by:
  • ·        Washing your hands regularly,
  • ·        Promptly disposing of used tissues in the waste basket or garbage,
  • ·        Coughing and sneezing into your shirt sleeve rather than your hands,
  • ·        Staying home when  you are ill, and
  • ·        Getting the influenza vaccine.

Please take it seriously. It is better to spend time and money on prevention than on treatment.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

1. CLB7R (reading) Question
2. Photos of the article from the community newsletter
3. Your artefact--written or verbal
1. Obtain information from public health advisories, municipal notices, violation notices, or community newsletters and bulletins. Decide on action for a personal or family health concern.

                                                                      ( DRAFT 1)


Seeing of the influenza season, the northern health centre highly recommends taking actions on preventing of getting influenza or spreading it to others by:
  • ·         Washing your hands regularly,
  • ·         Promptly disposing of used tissues in the waste basket or garbage,
  • ·         Coughing and sneezing into your shirt sleeve rather than your hands,
  • ·         Staying home when  you are ill, and
  • ·         Getting the influenza vaccine.

Please, take it seriously. It is better to spend time and money on prevention than on treatment.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

                               Draft 2 after 1st correction


Your Worship Mr. Konkin
My name is Sandra Jones, and I am a resident of our small city. I am sending you this letter on behalf of my fellow residents to request the installation of two more traffic lights. These traffic lights are needed at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Lake Street, where there is a recreation park and a sports arena, and also at the intersection of Green Street and Highway 12, where there is a college and a library nearby. As these places are most used by people, we strongly believe that the establishment of traffic lights will help to protect pedestrians from serious accidents, especially mothers with small kids, teenagers, students, and seniors. For instance, according to the accident reports of Perow, with similar demographics, their accident rate dropped after the installation of traffic lights. So we are convinced, that following the same way will help to make the lives of many people safer.
Thank you for taking your time to read this letter. We look forward to hearing from you.


Sandra Jones
                              CORRECTION 1

Thursday, 11 January 2018

CLB7W Write an email to a government representative to request a needed service or item in the community, such as an off-leash dog area, traffic lights, or play equipment in the park.

An email to the mayor of the city Balam about installing traffic lights.

                                                        ( DRAFT 1)

Dear Mr. Konkin,

I, Sandra Jones, a resident of our small city, am sending you this letter on behalf of other residents of the city to address our request for you about installing two more traffic lights in the city. We consider that it will be rationally to establish traffic lights at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Lake Street, where there is a recreation park and a sport arena, and also at the intersection of Green Street and Highway 12, where there is a college and a library nearby. As these places are most used by people, we strongly believe that the establishment of traffic lights will help to prevent pedestrians from serious accidents, especially mothers with small kids, teenagers, students, and seniors.
Thank you for taking your time and reading this letter.


Sandra Jones