Sunday, 28 January 2018

1. CLB7R (reading) Question
2. Photos of the article from the community newsletter
3. Your artefact--written or verbal
1. Obtain information from public health advisories, municipal notices, violation notices, or community newsletters and bulletins. Decide on action for a personal or family health concern.

                                                                      ( DRAFT 1)


Seeing of the influenza season, the northern health centre highly recommends taking actions on preventing of getting influenza or spreading it to others by:
  • ·         Washing your hands regularly,
  • ·         Promptly disposing of used tissues in the waste basket or garbage,
  • ·         Coughing and sneezing into your shirt sleeve rather than your hands,
  • ·         Staying home when  you are ill, and
  • ·         Getting the influenza vaccine.

Please, take it seriously. It is better to spend time and money on prevention than on treatment.

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